Estas son las ubicaciones de los obeliscos más conocidos del antiguo Egipto:
Obelisco de Sesostris I. Heliópolis (Egipto)
Punta del obelisco caído de Hatshepsut. Karnak (Egipto)
Obelisco inacabado. Asuán (Egipto)
Obelisco de Axum (Etiopía)
Egipto – ocho
Faraón Sesostris I, Heliópolis, El Cairo (20,4 m)
Faraón Tutmose I, Templo de Karnak, Luxor (19,5 m)
Faraón Hatshepsut, Templo de Karnak, Luxor (29,5 m)
Faraón Ramsés II, Templo de Luxor, Luxor (25 m)
Faraón Ramsés II, Aeropuerto, Heliópolis (17 m)
Faraón Ramsés II, Jardín Al-Andalus, El Cairo (13,9 m)
Faraón Sethy II, Templo de Karnak, Luxor (a. 2 m)
Faraón Ramsés III, Museo de Luxor, Luxor (0,96 m)
Francia – dos
Arles, Plaza de la República (15 m)
Faraón Ramses II, Plaza de la Concordia, París (22,8 m)
The Obelisk of Luxor stands on top on a pedestal that recounts the special machinery and manoeuvres that were used to transport it.
The center of the Place is occupied by a giant Egyptian obelisk decorated with hieroglyphics exalting the reign of the pharaoh Ramses II. It is one of two the Egyptian government gave to the French in the nineteenth century. The other one stayed in Egypt, too difficult and heavy to move to France with the technology at that time. In the 90's, President Mitterand gave the second obelisk back to the Egyptians.
The obelisk once marked the entrance to the Luxor Temple. The viceroy of Egypt, Mehemet Ali, "offered" the 3,300-year-old Luxor Obelisk to France in 1831. The obelisk arrived in Paris on December 21, 1833. Three years later, on October 25, 1836, King Louis-Philippe had it placed in the centre of Place de la Concorde, where a guillotine used to stand during the Revolution.
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