domingo, 5 de octubre de 2008


It said, "C.H.A.N.G.E. — Come Help A (N-word) Get Elected.

domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2008

Sarah Palin protagoniza un nuevo escándalo en video

Hablen a Dios de esta mujer (...) sálvenla de Satanás", lanzó en lo que representa un claro ejercicio de exorcismo. "Dios mío, ábrele el camino. Aporten fondos a su campaña, en el nombre de Jesús. Utilícela para que este país retome su camino correcto".

sábado, 20 de septiembre de 2008


LOS enemigos de OBAMA

The Illinois senator has been under protection for more than a year following a string of death threats.

Man accused in Obama threat uses crutches in court
By Don Mitchell, Associated Press Writer
DENVER — A Colorado man suspected of making racist threats against Barack Obama limped into federal court on crutches Thursday and was formally advised of a methamphetamine-possession charge against him.
Therin Gartrell, 28, was arrested Sunday, just before the Democratic National Convention in Denver. Authorities said he was pulled over in the suburb of Aurora in a rented truck that contained rifles, a bulletproof vest, wigs and fake IDs, and that Gartrell and two other men had talked about killing Obama.
The U.S. attorney's office later said the men were drug users who made racist threats but had no firm assassination plot and no ability to carry one out. No one has been charged in relation to the alleged threats.
Aurora police say Gartrell had been on crutches when they arrested him. Handcuffed to his crutches in court Thursday, he spoke little and did not enter a plea.
Public defender Ed Harris was appointed to represent him. Harris was not present and did not immediately respond to a telephone message seeking comment.
Arapahoe County prosecutors had planned to charge Gartrell Thursday with state drug and weapons violations, but that was put on hold without explanation.
U.S. attorney's spokesman Jeff Dorschner said it was "best from a coordination standpoint" if the cases against Gartrell and the two other men were in federal court.
State prosecutors sometimes defer to their federal counterparts if a suspect can get a stiffer sentence in federal court.
A federal conviction for methamphetamine possession carries a prison term of up to two years with no time off for good behavior. Penalties under the state charges were not immediately available.
The two other men arrested in the case are Shawn Adolf and Nathan Johnson. Both face federal firearms and drug charges. Dorschner said neither is expected to appear in court this week.
Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


10 de septiembre este video en el cual se presenta una llamada telefónica realizada entres militares venezolanos retirados y activo, en la cual en la conversación hacen referencia a un plan que piensan llevar a cabo para derrocar el gobierno del presidente venezolano Hugo Chávez por medio de un golpe de estado.

jueves, 18 de septiembre de 2008


sabes mccain donde esta espaÑa o quien es su lider?

EN esta entrevista no sabes quien carajo es zapatero..
esta desconectado de lo que pasa en estados unidos y el mundo..

INTERVIEWER: OK, what about Europe? I'm talking about the president of Spain.

McCAIN: What about me what?

INTERVIEWER: Ok, are you willing to meet with him if you are elected president?

McCAIN: I am willing to meet with any leader who is dedicated to the same principles and philosophy that we are for human rights, democracy and freedom, and I will stand up to those who are not.

lunes, 7 de julio de 2008

sábado, 5 de julio de 2008

El mundo, El hombre y su existencia

editorial del diario.55
El mundo atraviesa una de las épocas más inesperadas de su historia, tal vez, una de las más inciertas por los desafíos que se presagian y que esconden en sus entrañas un futuro que ya invadió los espacios privilegiados del presente. En los últimos años se han registrado cambios en las reglas del juego en todos los aspectos de la convivencia social, la producción de alimentos y la utilización de los elementos naturales que permiten la supervivencia humana, elementos que afectan al hombre.Las relaciones sociales, la economía y la política son elementos que en la actualidad dependen las relaciones internacionales las que son cada vez más complejas, pero convierten al mundo en una aldea global. Las reglas del juego del avance de la civilización y del desarrollo tecnológico han cambiado radicalmente y de manera dramática, no sólo en los países desarrollados sino también en los que como República Dominicana se encuentran en vía de desarrollo.Lo más desconcertante es que sin duda nos movilizamos sobre una pista de tierra movediza, resbalosa y sometida con frecuencia a fuertes e imprevisibles turbulencias sociales y económicas.En ese sentido existen tres elementos que se han convertido en noticias de primera plana y que todos los días atemorizan al mundo que son el incremento de precio del petróleo, la posibilidad de una profunda crisis alimentaria derivada de la producción de biocombustibles y la guerra de monedas entre Estados Unidos y Europa.Pero como la comunicación ha convertido al mundo en una aldea global y que los países se han hecho dependientes uno del otro, estos problemas se sienten a nivel mundial y chocan de frente con la dura realidad de los países pobres.Es por eso que las autoridades de naciones como República Dominicana están obligadas a revisar la actuación de sus gobiernos y pensar más en los intereses colectivos que en los partidarios y de grupos de poder dominantes.
4 de Julio, 2008 - 10:46 AM

viernes, 4 de julio de 2008



John Sidney McCain III

GRADUADO EN The National War College

Senador Senior de Arizona
En el cargo
Desde el 3 de enero, 1987
Junto a
Jon Kyl
Precedido por
Barry Goldwater
Sucedido por
En el cargo (hasta 2011)
29 de agosto de 1936Zona del Canal de Panamá (territorio de EE.UU.)
Partido político
(1) Carol Shepp, divorciado;
(2) Cindy Hensley McCain


Barack Hussein Obama Jr.

GRADUADO EN LA Universidad de Harvard, 1992

Senador Junior de Illinois
En el cargo
Desde el 4 de enero de 2005
Precedido por
Peter Fitzgerald
4 de agosto de 1961 (46 años)Honolulú, Hawai
Partido político
Michelle Obama
Alma Máter
Universidad ColumbiaUniversidad de Harvard, 1992
Cristiano, hasta 2008 de la Iglesia congregacional (United Church of Christ)


contrario a las elecciones de la mayoria de los paises que es determinada por la mayoria de votos en los estados unidos aun consiguiendo la mayoria de votos no seria suficiente para ser presidente.

Las elecciones a Presidente de los Estados Unidos de 2008 tendrán lugar el próximo 4 de noviembre de 2008. Las elecciones determinarán a los electores del Colegio Electoral de Estados Unidos y el candidato presidencial que reciba una mayoría de votos (al menos 270)

Electoral college votes for 2008. The winning candidate needs 270 electoral votes out of a total of 538, which is just over 50%

domingo, 29 de junio de 2008

volvera a egipto algun dia?

Muchos obeliscos egipcios fueron "llevados" a Roma, al punto que actualmente hay más obeliscos en Roma que en todo Egipto. Otros imperios de occidente también se llevaron obeliscos egipcios para erigirlos en sus capitales.
Estas son las ubicaciones de los obeliscos más conocidos del antiguo Egipto:

Obelisco de Sesostris I. Heliópolis (Egipto)

Punta del obelisco caído de Hatshepsut. Karnak (Egipto)

Obelisco inacabado. Asuán (Egipto)

Obelisco de Axum (Etiopía)
Egipto – ocho
Faraón Sesostris I, Heliópolis, El Cairo (20,4 m)
Faraón Tutmose I, Templo de Karnak, Luxor (19,5 m)
Faraón Hatshepsut, Templo de Karnak, Luxor (29,5 m)
Faraón Ramsés II, Templo de Luxor, Luxor (25 m)
Faraón Ramsés II, Aeropuerto, Heliópolis (17 m)
Faraón Ramsés II, Jardín Al-Andalus, El Cairo (13,9 m)
Faraón Sethy II, Templo de Karnak, Luxor (a. 2 m)
Faraón Ramsés III, Museo de Luxor, Luxor (0,96 m)
Francia – dos
Arles, Plaza de la República (15 m)
Faraón Ramses II, Plaza de la Concordia, París (22,8 m)

The Obelisk of Luxor stands on top on a pedestal that recounts the special machinery and manoeuvres that were used to transport it.
The center of the Place is occupied by a giant Egyptian obelisk decorated with hieroglyphics exalting the reign of the pharaoh Ramses II. It is one of two the Egyptian government gave to the French in the nineteenth century. The other one stayed in Egypt, too difficult and heavy to move to France with the technology at that time. In the 90's, President Mitterand gave the second obelisk back to the Egyptians.
The obelisk once marked the entrance to the Luxor Temple. The viceroy of Egypt, Mehemet Ali, "offered" the 3,300-year-old Luxor Obelisk to France in 1831. The obelisk arrived in Paris on December 21, 1833. Three years later, on October 25, 1836, King Louis-Philippe had it placed in the centre of Place de la Concorde, where a guillotine used to stand during the Revolution.


su trono y

su tumba

View Larger Map
GPS Coordinates: Latitude: 48.855064, Longitude: 2.312513
Lo imposible es el fantasma de los tímidos y el refugio de los cobardes.

Queréis contar a vuestros amigos? Caed en el ininfortunio.

y el dijo El porvenir de un hijo es siempre obra de su madre.
María Letizia Ramolino la figura fundamental de su niñez..

domingo, 22 de junio de 2008




La catedral es el refugio hospitalario de todos los infortuNIOS

Es asilo inviolable de los perseguidos y sepulcro de los difuntos ilustres

es el guardián secular del patrimonio ancestral

El verbo, que asegura al hombre la superioridad indiscutible
instrumento del espíritu

REFUGIO DE LOS HUMILDES, DE los miserables, los despreciados, los rebeldes ávidos de libertad y de independencia, los proscritos, los vagabundos y los nómadas, de la alta sociedaD

EL OCASO Del pueblo, fiel guardián de las tradiciones orales

de los nobles, que lo son tan poco,
y de los burgueses bien cebados y bienintencionados,
envueltos en el armiño de su ignorancia y de su fatuidad

DE LOS ciegos y sordos. ¡Cuántas maravillas

domingo, 15 de junio de 2008

haina es uno de los sitio mas contaminado del mundo

View Larger Map

Sumgayit, Azerbaijan
Cancer rates in Sumgayit are 22-51% higher than the national average in Azerbaijan (photo credit: Adam Klaus)
Cancer rates in Sumgayit are 22-51% higher than the national average in Azerbaijan (photo credit: Adam Klaus)

Linfen, China
Young coal miner in Linfen, China. The State Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) of China has branded Linfen as having the worst air quality in the country. ( photo credit: Andreas Haberman) www.wo...

Young coal miner in Linfen, China. The State Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) of China has branded Linfen as having the worst air quality in the country. ( photo credit: Andreas Haberman)

Tianying, China
Tianying has China's leading lead production bases, contributing to lead poisoning and various disorders and illnesses in children.

Tianying has China's leading lead production bases, contributing to lead poisoning and various disorders and illnesses in children.

Sukinda, India
Women workers are exposed to water contaminated by hexavalent chromium. Infertility, birth defects, and stillbirths have resulted from this exposure. (credit: P. Madhavan/MMP India) www.worstpolluted....

Women workers are exposed to water contaminated by hexavalent chromium. Infertility, birth defects, and stillbirths have resulted from this exposure. (credit: P. Madhavan/MMP India)

Vapi, India
Approximately 71,000 people in Vapi use contaminated well water for lack of a safe alternative. (photo credit: Blacksmith Institute)

Approximately 71,000 people in Vapi use contaminated well water for lack of a safe alternative. (photo credit: Blacksmith Institute)
La Oroya, Peru
Local children play near the plant's operations. In 1999, 99% of the children in La Oroya had high levels of lead in their blood. (photo credit: Anna Cederstav/AIDA)

Local children play near the plant's operations. In 1999, 99% of the children in La Oroya had high levels of lead in their blood. (photo credit: Anna Cederstav/AIDA)

Dzerzhinsk, Russia
In Dzerzhinsk, Russia, waste from 190 chemicals has turned the groundwater into a dangerous toxic sludge. Life expectancy is 42 for men and 47 for women. ( photo credit: Blacksmith Institute) www.wors...

In Dzerzhinsk, Russia, waste from 190 chemicals has turned the groundwater into a dangerous toxic sludge. Life expectancy is 42 for men and 47 for women. ( photo credit: Blacksmith Institute)

Norilsk, Russia
Norilsk has the world's largest heavy metals smelting complex. It's operations are releasing 4 million tons of Cd, Cu, Pb, Ni, As, Se and Zn into the air annually. (photo credit: Hans Wendel) www.wors...

Norilsk has the world's largest heavy metals smelting complex. It's operations are releasing 4 million tons of Cd, Cu, Pb, Ni, As, Se and Zn into the air annually. (photo credit: Hans Wendel)

Chernobyl, Ukraine
Children in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine have been suffering from the effect of the radiation released in April 1986. The Rechitsa orphanage in Belarus has been caring for the huge population of sick c...

Children in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine have been suffering from the effect of the radiation released in April 1986. The Rechitsa orphanage in Belarus has been caring for the huge population of sick children. (photo credit: Julien Behal/Chernobyl Children's Project)

Kabwe, Zambia
Young men look for metal near an abandoned lead mine in Kabwe, Zambia. Many children in the area suffer from severe lead poisoning. (photo credit: Blacksmith Institute)

Young men look for metal near an abandoned lead mine in Kabwe, Zambia. Many children in the area suffer from severe lead poisoning. (photo credit: Blacksmith Institute)

Matanza-Riacheulo River Basin, Argentina
The river basin is Argentina's worst environmental hotspot with more than 3,500 polluting tanneries, oil, chemical, and metal plants, illicit sewage pipes and 42 open garbage dumps along the river. ww...
The river basin is Argentina's worst environmental hotspot with more than 3,500 polluting tanneries, oil, chemical, and metal plants, illicit sewage pipes and 42 open garbage dumps along the river.

Hazaribagh, Bangladesh
Ninety percent of Bangladesh’s 270 registered tanneries are located in Hazaribagh, on just 62 acres of land. The tanneries generate 7.7 million litres of liquid waste and 88 million tons of solid wast...
Ninety percent of Bangladesh’s 270 registered tanneries are located in Hazaribagh, on just 62 acres of land. The tanneries generate 7.7 million litres of liquid waste and 88 million tons of solid waste per year; 15,000 cubic meters of this untreated chemical waste flows directly into the Buriganga River.

Huaxi, China
Since 2001, the Huaxi government has been leasing nearly 2500 acres to the Huaxi Industrial Park, housing thirteen chemical estates. There are reports of drums of chemicals being abandoned inside the ...
Since 2001, the Huaxi government has been leasing nearly 2500 acres to the Huaxi Industrial Park, housing thirteen chemical estates. There are reports of drums of chemicals being abandoned inside the factory premises and untreated wastewater simply being covered over with concrete slabs. Severe agricultural losses have been reported in the area.

Lanzhou, China

Lanzhou was once named by World Resources Institute as one of the world’s most polluted cities. Heavy industrial emissions and the use of coal as the primary fuel, are the main sources of pollution. I...
Lanzhou was once named by World Resources Institute as one of the world’s most polluted cities. Heavy industrial emissions and the use of coal as the primary fuel, are the main sources of pollution. Illegal industrial discharges are commonplace and frequently reported in the local press. The mayor has made public calls for residents to walk to work.

Urumqi, China
A report released in 1998 by the World Health Organization on poor air quality in 272 cities worldwide named Urumqi in its top ten. Suspended particulates including PM10, sulfur dioxide and nitrous ox...
A report released in 1998 by the World Health Organization on poor air quality in 272 cities worldwide named Urumqi in its top ten. Suspended particulates including PM10, sulfur dioxide and nitrous oxides cloud the air.
Wanshan, China
Wanshan has been termed the ‘Mercury Capital’ of China because more than 60% of the country’s mercury deposits were discovered there. Mercury contamination extends throughout the city’s air, surface w...
Wanshan has been termed the ‘Mercury Capital’ of China because more than 60% of the country’s mercury deposits were discovered there. Mercury contamination extends throughout the city’s air, surface water systems, and soils. Concentrations in soil range from 24.3 to 348 mg/kg (16 to 232 times the maximum national standards for mercury contamination).

Haina, Dominican Republic
The densely populated city of Bajos de Haina is severely contaminated with lead from a closed down automobile battery recycling facility. Various studies have found alarming lead pollution in the Hain...
The densely populated city of Bajos de Haina is severely contaminated with lead from a closed down automobile battery recycling facility. Various studies have found alarming lead pollution in the Haina community, with blood and soil levels several orders of magnitude above accepted limits.

Oriente, Ecuador
After three decades of activity by Texaco (now Chevron), the company left behind 600 open waste pits and allegedly dumped 18.5 billion gallons of toxic waste into Ecuador's rainforest. This toxic dump...
After three decades of activity by Texaco (now Chevron), the company left behind 600 open waste pits and allegedly dumped 18.5 billion gallons of toxic waste into Ecuador's rainforest. This toxic dumping is reported to affect not only an indigenous population of 30,000 people but also 2.5 million acres of rain forest.

Mahad Industrial Estate, India
According to a survey conducted by the Supreme Court Monitoring Committee, approximately 1,800 tons of hazardous sludge has accumulated at the Mahad Industrial Estate. The hazardous waste has not been...
According to a survey conducted by the Supreme Court Monitoring Committee, approximately 1,800 tons of hazardous sludge has accumulated at the Mahad Industrial Estate. The hazardous waste has not been properly contained within the premises of the industrial estate as asserted by various industrial managers and has instead leached out into the surrounding area.

Ranipet, India
A factory in Ranipet manufactured sodium chromate, chromium salts and basic chromium sulfate tanning powder that is used locally in the leather tanning process. The Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board ...
A factory in Ranipet manufactured sodium chromate, chromium salts and basic chromium sulfate tanning powder that is used locally in the leather tanning process. The Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TN PCB) estimates that about 1,500,000 tons of solid wastes accumulated over two decades of plant operation. An exposed dump (three to five meters high and on nearly five and a half acres of land) on the facility premises leaches a toxic cocktail into the groundwater.

Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan

The notorious Semipalatinsk Nuclear Testing Range has left a number of environmental disaster zones in its wake. Radioactive contaminants litter the surrounding area and may be airborne. Balkash Coppe...
The notorious Semipalatinsk Nuclear Testing Range has left a number of environmental disaster zones in its wake. Radioactive contaminants litter the surrounding area and may be airborne. Balkash Copper Smelter, idle for a long period, has restarted its operations in the area and is now polluting the air with sulphur and nitrogen dioxides and with metallic particulates.

Dandora, Kenya
Dandora is now home to a quarter of a million Nairobi residents. The dumpsite is 30 solid acres of garbage. Concentrated methane gases regularly result in spontaneous dump fires. Waste consistently le...
Dandora is now home to a quarter of a million Nairobi residents. The dumpsite is 30 solid acres of garbage. Concentrated methane gases regularly result in spontaneous dump fires. Waste consistently leaches into the Nairobi River, which runs through the lower edge of the dump before passing through the city slum.

Maluu-Suu, Kyrgyzstan
In April of 2006, the Obschestvenny Reiting Newspaper reported that about 300,000 cubic meters of material fell into the Mailuu-Suu River near uranium mine tailings, the result of yet another landslid...
In April of 2006, the Obschestvenny Reiting Newspaper reported that about 300,000 cubic meters of material fell into the Mailuu-Suu River near uranium mine tailings, the result of yet another landslide. The Kyrgyzstan National Sciences Academy (KNASA) surveyed 170 sites in Mailuu-Suu and concluded that high levels of radioactivity were indeed present.

Mexico City, Mexico

The ozone levels in Mexico City exceed World Health Organization standards 300 days a year, and SEMARNAT (Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources) has estimated that the air in the busy border ...
The ozone levels in Mexico City exceed World Health Organization standards 300 days a year, and SEMARNAT (Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources) has estimated that the air in the busy border town of Ciudad Juarez is 40% less contaminated than in the capital.

Huancavelica, Peru

Legacy mercury pollution lines the city’s open trenches and waterways. The residents here have been living with mercury for nearly 400 years. Some of the locals still mine mercury on a small scale and...
Legacy mercury pollution lines the city’s open trenches and waterways. The residents here have been living with mercury for nearly 400 years. Some of the locals still mine mercury on a small scale and the entrance to the main mercury mines remains open to this day.

Meycauayan, Philippines
Industrial waste is haphazardly dumped into the Meycauayan River, a source of drinking and agricultural water supplies for the 250,000 people living in and around this suburb of Manila. Substantial co...
Industrial waste is haphazardly dumped into the Meycauayan River, a source of drinking and agricultural water supplies for the 250,000 people living in and around this suburb of Manila. Substantial contamination also results from small-scale lead recycling facilities along the river at Marilao and from the many tanneries that dump untreated hexavalent chromium wastewater into the river.

Bratsk, Russia
According to Yuri Udodov, head of the Federal Committee on Ecology (FCE) in the state of Irkutsk, this region has "the highest rate of discharge of metallic mercury into the environment [in] all of Si...
According to Yuri Udodov, head of the Federal Committee on Ecology (FCE) in the state of Irkutsk, this region has "the highest rate of discharge of metallic mercury into the environment [in] all of Siberia." Bratsk has been declared an ecological disaster zone. The Bratsk Aluminium Plant has been polluting its surroundings to such great degree that the town of Chikanovskiy was evacuated in 2001 due to repeated health emergencies.

Chita, Russia
Krasnokamensk has generated fifty to seventy-five million tons of tailings, making it the largest waste stream at a uranium production site in the world. A Balei community survey documents hundreds of...
Krasnokamensk has generated fifty to seventy-five million tons of tailings, making it the largest waste stream at a uranium production site in the world. A Balei community survey documents hundreds of homes with radiation levels as much as 10-20 times the permissible levels. About 500-1000 homes or more suffer from radiation exposures far above international standards.

Magnitogorsk, Russia
One of the largest Russian iron and steel works was purported to emit 650,000 tons of industrial wastes, including many toxic chemicals, thereby polluting some 4,000 square miles. According to steelwo...
One of the largest Russian iron and steel works was purported to emit 650,000 tons of industrial wastes, including many toxic chemicals, thereby polluting some 4,000 square miles. According to steelworkers, none of the filtering devices are in working condition.

Rudnaya Pristan, Russia
Dalnegorsk and Rudnaya Pristan are two towns in the Russian Far East whose residents suffer from serious lead poisoning from an old smelter and the unsafe transport of lead concentrate from the local ...
Dalnegorsk and Rudnaya Pristan are two towns in the Russian Far East whose residents suffer from serious lead poisoning from an old smelter and the unsafe transport of lead concentrate from the local lead mining site. A recent study suggests that drinking water, interior dust, and garden crops contain dangerous levels of lead. Water discharged from the smelter averages 2900 m3/day with concentrations up to 100 kg of lead and 20 kg of arsenic.

domingo, 1 de junio de 2008

La estatua del “Che” ya está en Rosario

CHE GUEVARA. La estatua ya está en la ciudad natal del guerrillero (AP).

noticias que reportaba la tv americana en el 65 aÑo de la revolucion..en REPUBLICA DOMINICANA

lunes, 26 de mayo de 2008

61 al 2008


Phoenix Reports Good Health After Mars Landing 05.25.08 -- A NASA spacecraft today sent pictures showing itself in good condition after making the first successful landing in a polar region of Mars. Read more
May 25, 1961, President John F. Kennedy announced the goal of sending astronauts to the moon before the end of the decade.

sábado, 24 de mayo de 2008


Camina plácidamente entre el ruido y la prisa,
y recuerda que puedes encontrar la paz en el silencio.
Hasta donde sea posible y sin rendirte
trata de mantener buenas relaciones con todo el mundo.
Di tu verdad serena y claramente;
y escucha a los demás,
incluso al torpe y al aburrido;
ellos también tienen su propia

Evita las personas ruidosas y agresivas,
porque son un mal para el espíritu.
Sí te comparas con los demás,
te volverás vanidoso y amargado,
porque siempre habrá personas mejores o peores que tú.
Disfruta de tus éxitos lo mismo que de tus planes.

Mantén el interés en tu propia carrera, por más humilde que ésta sea,
es lo único verdadero que posees en la cambiante fortuna del tiempo.
Sé cauto en los negocios;
porque el mundo está lleno de egoísmo,
pero no permitas que esto te ciegue al punto de no ver que la virtud existe;
muchas personas luchan por nobles ideales;
y en todas partes la vida esta llena de heroísmo.

Sé tú mismo.
En especial no finjas afecto.
No seas cínico en el amor;
porque a pesar de toda la aridez y desengaño
es tan perenne como la hierba

Acata dócilmente el consejo de los años,
abandonando con donaire las cosas de la juventud.
Alimenta la fortaleza de tu espíritu para que te proteja contra la adversidad.
No te atormentes con tu imaginación.
Muchos temores nacen de la fatiga y la soledad.
Además de una sana disciplina,
sé gentil contigo mismo.

Tú eres una criatura del universo,
no menos que los árboles y las estrellas;
tienes derecho a existir...
Y aunque esté claro o no para ti,
no dudes que el universo marcha como debe ser.

Por lo tanto, debes estar en paz con Dios,
no importando cuál sea tu idea de El.
Y cualesquiera que sean tus trabajos y aspiraciones,
en la ruidosa confusión de la vida, mantén la paz con tu espíritu.

Porque a pesar de toda la hipocresía, del arduo trabajo y de los sueños fallidos,
el mundo es todavía un lugar hermoso.
Sé alegre.
Esfuérzate por ser feliz.!!!!!!!!


sábado, 17 de mayo de 2008


In Bush's mind, this is a painting of a daring christian missionary. It is his favorite painting, and he actually named his (ghost written) autobiography after it. In reality, it is an illustration of a posse about to catch a horse thief.

jueves, 15 de mayo de 2008



También, es interesante observar que la actual dinastía gobernante en los Estados Unidos es la familia Bush, y cuyo pasado está firmemente enraizado en las historias recientes de migración masiva forzada y genocidio, de los pueblos Judíos, el Imperio Alemán Nazi, y como lo podemos leer en el servicio noticioso Británico The Guardian en su artículo titulado: How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to powerRumours of a link between the US first family and the Nazi war machine have circulated for decades. Now the Guardian can reveal how repercussions of events that culminated in action under the Trading with the Enemy Act are still being felt by today's president
This article appeared in THE GUARDIAN on Saturday September 25 2004 . It was last updated at 23:59 on September 24 2004.

jueves, 8 de mayo de 2008

ABC News: codigo secreto que le puedes salvar la vida

Dozenas de muertes son atribuida a la "bomba de tiempo" o gomas viejas.....

domingo, 4 de mayo de 2008




Cafe aparentemente inocuo para la presion sanguinea
id="xspf_player" align="middle" height="170" width="400">


id="xspf_player" align="middle" height="170" width="400">


Pilar Rubio (1)

sábado, 19 de abril de 2008


Whiten Your Teeth the Natural Way

Health, January 2006

by Karina Timmel
White teeth and strawberries may not sound like they go hand in hand, but it turns out the berries can actually lighten your smile.
The secret to this inexpensive home whitening method is malic acid, which acts as an astringent to remove surface discoloration. Combined with baking soda, strawberries become a natural tooth-cleanser, buffing away stains from coffee, red wine, and dark sodas. While it’s no replacement for a bleaching treatment at your dentist’s office, "this is a fast, cheap way to brighten your smile," says Adina Carrel, DMD, a dentist in private practice at Manhattan Dental Arts in New York. "Be careful not to use this too often, though, as the acid could damage the enamel on your teeth."
You need:1 ripe strawberry1/2 teaspoon baking powder
Directions: Crush the strawberry to a pulp, then mix with the baking powder until blended. Use a soft toothbrush to spread the mixture onto your teeth. Leave on for 5 minutes, then brush thoroughly with toothpaste to remove the berry–baking powder mix. Rinse. (A little floss will help get rid of any strawberry seeds.) Carrel says you can apply once a week.

domingo, 13 de abril de 2008

dardvl says:
To find this rock head due south from the Grand teton
Posted July 11, 2007 6:23 PM

by planetaln
New at Your Scene, Weird America
Submitted September 23, 2006

dr.j says:
So are the residents of LA.
Posted September 26, 2006 4:08 PM

Only in Floirda
by harlan
New at Your Scene, Weird America
Not thirteen not twelve, but twelve and one half. My speedo does not have half markers !
Submitted April 3, 2008

domingo, 30 de marzo de 2008


Por: Sorcha Faal como lo informa a sus suscriptores Occidentales

También, es interesante observar que la actual dinastía gobernante en los Estados Unidos es la familia Bush, y cuyo pasado está firmemente enraizado en las historias recientes de migración masiva forzada y genocidio, de los pueblos Judíos, el Imperio Alemán Nazi, y como lo podemos leer en el servicio noticioso Británico The Guardian en su artículo titulado: How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power

The Plan to Replace the Dollar With the 'Amero'

Pastor’s 2001 book “Toward a North American Community” called for the creation of a North American Union that would perfect the defects Pastor believes limit the progress of the European Union. Much of Pastor’s thinking appears aimed at limiting the power and sovereignty of the United States as we enter this new super-regional entity. Pastor has also called for the creation of a new currency which he has coined the “Amero,” a currency that is proposed to replace the U.S. dollar, the Canadian dollar, and the Mexican peso.

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