domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2008

Sarah Palin protagoniza un nuevo escándalo en video

Hablen a Dios de esta mujer (...) sálvenla de Satanás", lanzó en lo que representa un claro ejercicio de exorcismo. "Dios mío, ábrele el camino. Aporten fondos a su campaña, en el nombre de Jesús. Utilícela para que este país retome su camino correcto".

sábado, 20 de septiembre de 2008


LOS enemigos de OBAMA

The Illinois senator has been under protection for more than a year following a string of death threats.

Man accused in Obama threat uses crutches in court
By Don Mitchell, Associated Press Writer
DENVER — A Colorado man suspected of making racist threats against Barack Obama limped into federal court on crutches Thursday and was formally advised of a methamphetamine-possession charge against him.
Therin Gartrell, 28, was arrested Sunday, just before the Democratic National Convention in Denver. Authorities said he was pulled over in the suburb of Aurora in a rented truck that contained rifles, a bulletproof vest, wigs and fake IDs, and that Gartrell and two other men had talked about killing Obama.
The U.S. attorney's office later said the men were drug users who made racist threats but had no firm assassination plot and no ability to carry one out. No one has been charged in relation to the alleged threats.
Aurora police say Gartrell had been on crutches when they arrested him. Handcuffed to his crutches in court Thursday, he spoke little and did not enter a plea.
Public defender Ed Harris was appointed to represent him. Harris was not present and did not immediately respond to a telephone message seeking comment.
Arapahoe County prosecutors had planned to charge Gartrell Thursday with state drug and weapons violations, but that was put on hold without explanation.
U.S. attorney's spokesman Jeff Dorschner said it was "best from a coordination standpoint" if the cases against Gartrell and the two other men were in federal court.
State prosecutors sometimes defer to their federal counterparts if a suspect can get a stiffer sentence in federal court.
A federal conviction for methamphetamine possession carries a prison term of up to two years with no time off for good behavior. Penalties under the state charges were not immediately available.
The two other men arrested in the case are Shawn Adolf and Nathan Johnson. Both face federal firearms and drug charges. Dorschner said neither is expected to appear in court this week.
Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


10 de septiembre este video en el cual se presenta una llamada telefónica realizada entres militares venezolanos retirados y activo, en la cual en la conversación hacen referencia a un plan que piensan llevar a cabo para derrocar el gobierno del presidente venezolano Hugo Chávez por medio de un golpe de estado.

jueves, 18 de septiembre de 2008


sabes mccain donde esta espaÑa o quien es su lider?

EN esta entrevista no sabes quien carajo es zapatero..
esta desconectado de lo que pasa en estados unidos y el mundo..

INTERVIEWER: OK, what about Europe? I'm talking about the president of Spain.

McCAIN: What about me what?

INTERVIEWER: Ok, are you willing to meet with him if you are elected president?

McCAIN: I am willing to meet with any leader who is dedicated to the same principles and philosophy that we are for human rights, democracy and freedom, and I will stand up to those who are not.


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